A Positive Caesarean

Positive Caesarean 1

Birth stories are a funny thing, aren’t they? Every single one is entirely different and a hugely personal thing to share I think, which is why I I’ll talk about Ben’s birth story another time. Not entirely ready to pick at that thread just yet!

Jake’s birth however, was really positive. It was a positive caesarean! Who knew you could have those?

When I became pregnant with Jake my immediate reaction, because of what happened with Ben, was that my body wasn’t built for labour and I want an elected c-section. Then, I had probably one of the best conversations with a midwife at Warwick Hospital. I still remember her name and I’m forever grateful to her.

Without any judgement or pressure, she gave me more information about labour and what happens to our bodies than I was told throughout my entire pregnancy with Ben.I came away feeling empowered, feeling like I could have the birth I really wanted. So on I went, doing exercises to encourage “optimal birth positions”, embarking on a hypnobirthing course with The Positive Birth Company and getting myself in front of the Head of Midwifery to discuss my birth plan.

Then I had my 20 week scan and I had what they call placenta praevia or as I like to call it, a Pesky Placenta. They told me that 9/10 times the placenta moves up and away but I knew mine was staying put and I was right.

BUT because of everything I’d learned I wasn’t disappointed that Jakey’s birth wasn’t going to be in the lovely birth centre in the pool. I was calm and I knew that the most important thing was he came into this world in the safest way for both of us and I was calm, happy and secure.

Positive Caesarean 2
So a planned c-section it was! We got the date, we got my mum to have Ben and in I went. I still felt in control and empowered, I knew exactly what to ask them for.

I’ve heard vaginal births referred to as “proper births”, “natural births” and “best way to birth” but I’ll tell you something.

I did birth Jake, it was the best way for him to come into this world and when I held him to my chest seconds after he was delivered by the doctor, nothing felt more natural than that.

So my top tips for labour?

🤰 Try hypnobirthing - it’s not just for hippies 😉
🤰 Ask questions, know your rights and don’t just accept what you’re told without questioning
🤰 Pack snacks.
