Checklist: What to pack in the nursery bag


If you've been a parent for at least 30 seconds it probably won't come as a huge surprise how much you'll need to pack in their nursery/childcare bag.  I mean, you spend one night somewhere and you've got two cars full plus a removal van on back up. 

Thankfully though just one backpack should suffice for nursery and your childcare setting will usually give you a list of items they suggest/need you to pack.  In case they don't though, here's our checklist to help you out. 

1.  Feeding equipment

You'll need to pack baby's milk, formula or breast.  Give the nursery the right amount of sterilised bottles and let them know what the feeding routine is.  You may also need to provide your child's beaker and bibs etc but check with your setting first. 

2.  Food

Both Ben and Jake started nursery at the beginning of weaning so I would take in little pots of food I had prepared all labeled up.  The nursery should give you some sort of run down at the end of each day on what they've had to eat and how much etc. 

3.  Clothes

Pack enough changes of clothes for your child, particulary if they're refluxey or potty training!  Pack warm clothes (gloves, scarf, hats etc) in the winter and light, loose clothing in the hot weather.  Also pack sunscreen, summer hats etc too, anything that'll keep baby safe in the hot sun. 

4.  Nappies and wipes

Give the nursery enough stock of each to last them a while so you don't have to worry about packing enough each day.  

5.  Sleeping bags and comfort items

Kids don't always nap as well at nursery so try and pack things that will make them more comfortable to try and get some decent naps out of them while they're there.  Jakey needs his Peter Rabbit comforter and dummy otherwise he only gets about 20 minutes sleep and get's returned to us like a toddler on the edge! 

Got anything to add?  Why not comment below if you think we've missed something! 
